[UKPP] A Victory For The Common Good

Day 2,887, 07:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

It's been a long night and a long day, but the ballots are counted, the votes are in, and I am humbled to be elected PP of the greatest political party in the UK - the UKPP.

I'd like to commiserate with my erstwhile opponent, King William the Great and also with the BDP and RBL for once more wasting your votes on him.

Sorry, Willy!

I have selected a selection of selectees* to do the menial work fill various party positions:

Pannonian Nomad: Vice Party President and Counter of Members
Neil Lewis: Secretary General, Ballot Counter and Purveyor of All Things Ginger (except cats, apparently)
CrispyDragon: Councillor and all-round Good Egg
Tangbod: Spokesperson and Flinger of Monkey Poop
MCongress Selections

If you want to stand for Congress this term, please register to do so before the end of 21 October which will give us time to run an internal ballot for Congress preference. Once again, I would ask that you stand only if you intend to be active and not just to get a shiny medal. I'll be running a raffle** for all those who vote in the primary, so there's a little more incentive to do so!
Country President Elections

Again, if you want to run for CP, please register an interest to do so with me before the end of 31 October. Again, an internal ballot will be held, with Free Vote and other party candidates being part of the ballot, should other parties request our support. Again, a raffle will be held for people voting in this primary.

Huge congratulations to the victors in the other Party Presidential elections and commiserations to the losers, especially Frederick Cutters who never really stood a chance in the BDP. Wonder why...

Special thanks to ESO for their gallant support during this election, and for cross-party support in general.
Preparing For The Worst

As people may or may not be aware, there's a big war brewing between our Croatian allies and Asteria, which could change the geopolitical situation drastically in the coming weeks. I therefore implore that differences be put aside for the greater good - the prosperity and well-being of our great nation - until such a time as this crisis is over. Crisis averted. All is well.
Incentives For Activity

I will be rewarding positive and non-partisan articles which portray the party in a good light.

* I haven't actually asked if they want these positions. Still, they'll do a good job, I'm sure.
** Spoiled ballots will not be entered into the raffle, K?***
*** Also, anyone who has not accepted my friend invitation (or does not send me one if you're new here) will not be entered.

TL😉R? Ta.