[UCP] Official UCP congress candidates

Day 1,557, 06:17 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

Hello panpas,

I would like to announce the official candidates of United Cyprus Party for February's congress elections.

As most of you know, our political party follows a specific policy about its candidates at congress elections.

The list with candidates:

Southern Cyprus
- KypriosEL

Northern Cyprus

- Kaniballos

- iaberis


- kostas1978

- HipHopLds


- Aiantascy


- kkaaare

Al Riyadh


Kypriosel, iaberis are very old payers and well known eCypriots with much experience.

Our party will also support our two new members Kaniballos and HipHopLds.

kkaaare and Aiantascy, both of them real life Cypriots are very promising players for our new community. Aiantascy has already once completed his congressional term very successfully. kkaaare is the man who teached Savonrepus how Cypriots fight in the campaign of Sinai xd

kostas1978 a very experienced player will be our candidate in Sinai with hiphoplds.

Last but not least the best of liselis, rafor will run for congress in Al Riyahd.

Good luck to all of them!

****I would like to ask from the voters NOT to vote stratigos purros (in Al Riyadh), Georgelakeland and Metalguyocelot (in Southern Cyprus), mits44 in Tabuk. All of them didnt follow UCP's restrictions and refused to resign from being candidates. So DO NOT vote them.****