[TDP] Our Return To Glory | NoTie112 as TDP Party President [TDP]

Day 1,670, 10:31 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

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Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

First of all I would like to thank all party members for their involvement in the party president elections yesterday. In an exciting battle, I faced the current and honourable PP RikW, and I only managed to win with the smallest possible victory. I want to thank RikW for his leadership, in which he represented the new generation, after the old leaders all vanished. I hope he'll stay active within the party and will contribute to the bright future our party lays ahead.

The Dutch Progressives, originally found by NoTie112 and Shakerr , shook up the political stage months ago, when eNL faced the danger of turning into a two-party democracy, in which only I&W & DemNL would have any say. The party quickly grew out to be the biggest party in eNetherlands and made the influence which other smaller parties now have possible. In our past, we managed to deliver many different congressmembers and even country presidents.

However, when the original founding members all either left the party or the game altogether, the party started it's decline. TDP lost it's influence and other parties did not see it as a worthy opponnent anymore, but just a pool of sheepvoters. The last dagger was dealt when all inactive players were removed from political parties, which resulted in the halving of the amount of members, and the loss of the top position as political party. Attempts were made to stabilize the party, and in a sense we've finally reached safe ground, from which we can grow again to be the biggest and most influential party once again. I assure you that during my term TDP will end up being the biggest party once again, on all fronts.

That's why I've decided to step in to save the party I truly belong to. As original founding member, I'm capable of turning TDP once again in it's former glorious positions. The only way we can truly establish our new rule, is by returning to our roots, which made us so succesfull. We've became salonfähig, and our former vision hasn't been spoken out for a while, uptil now. This will be the turning point in not only our own party, but the whole political system in the eNetherlands.

What TDP will fight for;
*International Community - We want to open our borders at all times for non-dangerous foreigners, and establish English as standard language in our country. This does not mean Dutch will be neglected; Dutch translations are encouraged, and Dutch must be allowed at all times, but not forced upon our (originally very internationally orientated) community.

*Starters Policy - We believe that the government should not be the most important and sole institution which should help our new citizens. As happens in real life, all sectors of daily life should be used to help them grow into our next generation of generals and presidents. This means we'll not waste our times critizing the government on this subject, but take our responsibilities as political party in establishing a healthy population growth rate.

*Anti-Bureaucracy - TDP stands for an efficient country, with as less bureaucracy as possible. This means more power and less irrelevant controls on our government. The government should again have the power to make policy, instead of (sometimes not-experienced) congressmembers seizing power and scoring points on their populistic agenda. In our eyes the government should be responsible for actual policy, while congress should act as watchdog. This also means we'll absolutely not support handing juridical powers to congress, which will only result in Belgium-like situations (in which people get ousted from the community for no apparent reasons, or solely on political grounds).

Party President TDP

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