[TDP] Congress Election Results

Day 1,680, 07:39 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Join The Dutch Progressives Today!

Dear citizens,

No lies were told, when I promised to bring back The Dutch Progressives to prominence. Thanks to the increasement of activity within our party, we've managed to become the biggest party in eDutch congress*. With this radical change of congress, you are sure to expect a progressive wind in the eDutch congress.

I'd like to congratulate our members WhiteTemplar, Weekstrom & IncasEmpire on their recent election as congressmember of the eNetherlands. They won't dissapoint you! I'd also like to congratulate Iron & Wine, Democratisch Nederland, Geuzen Partij Nederland & Dutch Patriot Party on their elected candidates, and I hope this outcome will bring forward a healthy political month.

*A position shared with Iron & Wine 😉

Congratulations all!

Party President TDP

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