[PP] Independent Alternative

Day 2,184, 01:30 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

Two candidates running this month in the proud Independent Alternative. Vote now for your official representative.
The ever popular good-looking if slightly rotund yet stately gentleman incumbent with a flair for diplomacy, Miyagiyoda
The suspicious silver-tongue suspected PTOer who knows too many people with funny accents, Al Kazar. It is also rumoured that Al wishes to change the party name to Independant Alternative. Show him what we do with pretentious people who spell in French.
Pinko commie who believes in peace, handouts and enjoys long walks on the beach at sunset, Hennock Haukunamatata

Amandla, Awethu.
Power to the people.

Create your destiny.

TL😉R Some shocking reasons people vote the way they do.