[PENIS] Interview with Caecidius!

Day 2,859, 06:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hail Astrid

Back by popular demand!

Pay-Per-View Exclusive: Newbie Interviews

Or PENIS, for short.

Heh, heh.

Bonus Eminem GIF:

Their beef was legendary.

Here's the breakdown of the acronym:

Pay-per-view is a subtle plea for endorsements.
Exclusive because the interviewee is not very famous and thus has not been interviewed by anyone else.
Newbie because they're younger and/or less famous than me.
Interview for obvious reasons.
S - plural, because against all the odds, here's another one!

Today, we have the pleasure of a chat with Caecidius!

You bet I asked him about that pimpin' avatar.

I first came across Caecidius when he made a groundbreaking contribution to the eUK media. (Which, by the way, hasn't hit 25 comments yet. Help him out!) Incredibly, a new player had made an article! I immediately used this opportunity to accost him.

This exchange surprised me somewhat. For one thing, he was way too cool about joining a program called PENIS than he should have been. And he hadn't figured out the reply button yet (or maybe he was trying to boost the number of comments). So, I was unsure about whether he was a real "newbie" or a returning player (or a person generally inclined to join PENIS programs).

So that's why I asked a slightly different first question than usual. And the rest, they say, is history...

What made you join this game? Are you an old returning player?

I'm a returning player. I haven't played since eRepublik was brand new. Like 100 days new. Back when it was eRepublik Beta.

Picture😛 eRepublik Beta.

Were you in the eUK back then, and how long did you play for? Is it true that there were stats other than strength that you could train in?

Well I may have been wrong on the day 100 thing. It was either 100 or 300. I don't remember exactly. Anyways, no. I was in eUS. I told them their army organization sucked, so I redesigned it and then they made me a commander. I don't remember any other stats besides strength. Honestly, I forgot about eRepublik until recently when one of my friends said I should start playing again. Being the self-absorbed pr*ck I am, I only remember things about myself.

Sounds like you were a pretty important person! A "big baller shot caller", if you will. Will you be revealing your former identity, or keeping it a secret?

No use keeping it a secret. I was William Shafer. I was pretty important for awhile, but after some political disagreements I was sent to PTO a smaller country to spread freedom. I was dumb enough to attempt it and the same politicians who sent me declared me a traitor and a rogue. I returned and tried to run for office but it seemed like everybody turned against me, so I left and spent the rest of my eRepublik life moving from country to country basically organizing militaries and occasionally attempting to run for CP.

The plot thickens...

Wow, that's an exciting backstory. Is this wiki accurate?

[Note: Pretty interesting stuff. Including: "A small group of citizens have dubbed him "The Shafernator", making a reference to the old Terminator movies."]

Also, is there a meaning behind your choice of username (Caecidius)?

Rofl. Yeah that's my old wiki page. Some key details were left out, like the PTO in Chile (the one that made Americans call me a traitor) and some time spent in Austria (No activity). Otherwise, yeah it's accurate. After Australia I moved to North Korea and had some political battles there, and then I left for Malaysia and that's when I quit.

What are your plans on returning to the game? Do you have some unfinished business? Or are you starting anew?

Also, the username thing 😛

I'm basically starting anew. Oh, and the username.. Caecillius is Latin for "Young". I made my own little tweak on it to make a Roman-sounding name

Roman language.

Sounds good. How are you finding life in the eUK so far?

After your experience as William Shafer, is there more you want to achieve as Caedcidius?

I'm liking eUK so far. Good battles every day. And I like British people more than Americans, so it's a good fit for me.

Anyways, I'm not even sure if I'm going to be staying on eRepublik very long, to be honest. I might just quit again, but we'll see.

Well, this may be a bad time, but I'd just like to inform you that every citizen I've interviewed has eDied.

*awkward pause*

So, what made you join ESO? Was it a whimsical choice? Did you mistake it for the gas station? Or were you charmed by the likes of VoodooMike and his ilk?

Picture😛 Charming in action.

Every man dies. Not every man truly lives. 😉

I joined ESO becuase on my first day Mr Immanual Kant sent me a message welcoming me to eRepublik. Gave me irc info and everything, then said I'd either be welcomed, or told to piss off. I liked that, so I joined his party.

Nifty. What is one feature you hope to introduce the game, and if you could make anyone your multi, who would it be?

I always thought it'd be cool to do the political and economic stuff on the browser here, but then have the battles be fought real-time as first person shooters, but...

Don't think that'll happen any time soon

Who needs multi-accounts when you're "The Shafernator"? 😉

Picture😛 The Shafernator.

FPS eRepublik sounds awesome, but all we have is that piss-poor Guerilla Fight BS 🙁

Indeed, I believe someone known as "The Shafernator" will not be content idly two-clickin' away. Be honest:

Are you aiming to take over the eWorld?!

Maybe I'll challenge His Majesty *Insert name here* and take the crown for myself. Then eBritannia shall rule the ewaves.

Actually, I think it is possible for you to challenge His Majesty King Woldy for the Dictatorship position.

However, he has much of the popular support of the eUK, as he is a hot 18-year-old female from California. It may be difficult for you to wrest popular support away from him.

Right now, which module would you say holds the most interest for you, and has it changed since your previous experience?

Military module is so much different. When I started, you just clicked the "Fight" button ten times (Couldn't fight any more than that unless you had a house or a lot of gold/gifts). Gifts were limited to 10 per day (regardless of wellness). Gifts would give 10-50 wellness each, if I remember. Depending on Q1-Q5.

And it was divided into three parts. Outskirts, City, Administrative district. To win the battle you had to capture the admin district. Now it's much different. Of course, back then 10 strength was a big deal. It took at least 3-4 months to get that far. Back then, the economy was a bit different for sure. I was lucky to get a Q5 weapon without Military funding. Now I can buy 50 Q7's a day and still have money left over. (Q7 is actually a thing now. Rofl.)

3 or 4 months to get to 10 strength?! Just how bad is the strength inflation right now?

As a former military commander-organizer-Shafernator guy, what do you think of the eUK militarily? I believe one of the main problems we face is a lack of cool names, although this has been improving lately.

It's definitely different. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's bad or anything though. Now the lowest amount of strength you can get is 5 (Unless you train with only gold and ignore your free 5, but who's stupid enough to do that???). Back in the time I'm talking about, strength increased by 0.25 per training, one training per day. No gold boost or anything like that.

Honestly, I haven't seen much of the eUK military. Granted, I haven't been looking but when I played in the past I made sure there was at least one military recruitment article on the top 5 list at all times.

Sweet. Now we've covered the military aspect, let's look at politics and media.

Being successful in politics and media previously, how much of this was due to your having a cool nickname, like "The Shafernator"?

Do you have a cool nickname planned currently?

The Shafernator was a name that some members of my political party (RAMROD, and then later the Nationalist Party of America) started to call me. That was when I started my political career and let the military sit in the background. eUS stopped being at war, so why not? Before this I was simply called "The General".

I wouldn't say I was successful politically. I never got elected CP. Every country I visited, I had a small group of Americans follow me to harass me. But I think what contributed to my nicknames was mostly my military organization and my keen ability to anger people without caring.

Now, I don't have any nicknames planned. I never really did. They just stuck.

I hereby bestow upon you the nickname of CC, in order to create more confusion in the eUK, what with everybody having that nickname (CheetahCurtis, certacito, Caecidius, etc). There will be absolute pandemonium!

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being crack cocaine, how effective is eRepublik as an addictive substance?

Lol that works.

I'd say eRepublik is a 6 or 7.

What made you choose to join the cosy enclave that is the eUK, instead of the hustlin' bustlin' eUS?

Pimpin' avatar, by the way. Where is it from?

Fill in the blanks:
Take off your pants and your panties.
Sh*t on the floor.
Time to:
___ _______.

My friend who got me back into eRepublik was in eUK. I came here because that's where she was.

My avatar is from Chappelles show. Player Hater of the year awards episode.

Take off your pants and your panties.
Sh*t on the floor.
Time to: Drink mead

Chapelle's Show, huh? Classic!

WRONG ANSWER. The correct response is: get schwifty!

Anything the eUK should be warned of about you?

Lol. Nah, I don't have any evil plans at the moment.

*ignores ominous "at the moment"*

Well, uh, be sure to inform me when you do have some evil plans.

Who is the one eCitizen (living or dead) that you admire/hate the most?

I don't admire or hate anyone as I don't know anyone

Fair enough. 😛 Is there anything else you'd like to say to the eUK community? Anything you'd like to ask? Have you had enough of these zany questions?!

For old times sake, I just want to say "Make me your military commander and give me access to your treasury. I promise I wont steal it".

Do you pinky-swear tho


Thanks for reading! And thanks CC for being a great interviewee!

Also I need friends!

Add me as a friend!

I'll give you mad likes