[ONE] Official Statement Number #1367890 about general stuff.

Day 1,427, 10:56 Published in United Kingdom Spain by OutSmarter

Dear citizens of New World

This is the official SG broadcasting from his private lulzpaper, as the official ORG got hacked again by INCI jedis coming from Narnia. I know it might sound implausible as there are not much jedis in Narnia, but that's exactly what happened.

Anyway, as ONE assumed the honorable purpose of mantaining their people permanently informed about the Alliance issues, here it goes our daily Official Statement. Moreover, we're studying the possibility of rising the number of Official Statements to one per hour in order to extend our community satisfaction to a new maximum.

Alright, let's go with today's stuff. We'd like firstly to recriminate the actions of a former leader of ONE, while as we want to preserve his anonymity we'll just say that his name starts with "A" and ends with "Thompsom", who has recently published a couple of nonsense articles. He should remember that while he writtes those idiotic statements we can't publish our own ones.

Following with breaking news, here we go with the Turkey issue. We still have not decided if we're going to let them keep trolling us with their TERRAN MPPs, treacherous peace deals and the well-known "It wasn't me daddy! It was INCI!" or we're finally going to tell them to gtfo. So, don't be surprised if in the following days you see more of those contradictory statements that we love so much.

Finally, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I've taken croissants with marmalade for breakfast and I have not spotted.

Yours sincerely,
Outsmarter, SG of ONE