[MoD]Orders Day 598-599

Day 598, 00:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Dear eUK citizens,

With the announcement of our Training War upcoming with Hungary, round 1 just kicked off. Make sure to check the Military Portal for your orders. If you're not registered, then register on the front page of the Portal (there's an option for registering with each Branch!

Before you all draw your weapons, please watch this video first:
Fighting tutorial


Please bookmark this webpage:
So you can always see in which battles we're involved, and thus know where you can fight!

Please also bookmark this page:
Military Status Page

You log in with Erepublik Name and Password and it tells you what your Battle Orders Are! Isn't that cool!

Good luck and have fun,
Ministry of Defence

ps: don't forget to subscribe to the other government newspaper, you can find them here:
Department for Work
eUK Home Office
Ministry of Trade
Bank of England
National Newspaper Association
eUK Home Office