[MoD]at Day 2143 Cut down the wall [ENG/CAT]

Day 2,143, 12:11 Published in Egypt Cuba by Bartulieber

Hola, sóc Ali Gual, Ministre de Defensa.
Les ordres d'avui són:
Hello, I'm Ali Gual, Minister of Defense.
The orders for today are:

We have a RW. We can damage the Shield a bit more. Make a little effort just to make it a bit more down. Click the image to go to the battlefield.

The government gives weapons q6 for those who fill this form:

Si la barra esta aixi vol dir que estem atacant a l'escut.
If the bar is like this, means that we are attacking the shield.


1.- No lluiteu si tenim la barra més enllà del 55% a favor

2.- No lluiteu per caçar la BH

3.- Lluiteu quan portem T60 (60 minuts de batalla). La puntuació és més alta.


1.- Don't fight if the battle bar is over 55%

2.- Don't fight to get the Battle Hero

3.- Fight when we are in T60 (60 minutes of battle). The punctuation is higher

Canal d'ordres per comandants / Channel for orders of commanders :

@Rizon - #egyptian.army

If anyone can translate to arab, please send me in a message. We need to notice all the players.