[Libertas2013] The Issues of The eNetherlands

Day 2,066, 06:49 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

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Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Despite that we at Libertas are one of the lesser established political parties, we feel that every party has the responsibility to publish their party program, so that all of you may judge us on what we stand for, what we believe in, and so that we may earn your support based upon this. And not (how it sadly has been for months) because the country has been divided in two firm political sides excluding each other. For these reasons, and many more, we believe that Libertas is needed in our eCountry and we proudly present to you our party program for 2013.

We want to stress that this program only describes the most important issues we want to tackle right now, to give starters in the political area a chance to have a view regarding our position in eDutch politics, before actually joining us. Each congressional and presidential elections will require a more specific manifest, which we want to work towards with our political sympathizers. We will now discuss the three main issues we think the eNetherlands is struggling with.

While the eRepublik mechanics make it seem like the only way of governing a country is by democracy, there is more needed than just the option of voting to be considered a healthy functioning democracy. Several traits of the eDutch state indeed contradict with this.

First of all, the issue of transparency. Politics are not being executed in-game, but on an outside community forum (the eNetherlands.nl). Therefore most of the decisions are being made there, too. While this has functioned perfectly fine for years, recently it has absolutely not. The older, established parties DemNL and I&W are well seated there, as every party should be, what has caused their opponents to completely shun the forums. This is a very dangerous process, to which both sides are to blame. With this, most of the important information stays unseen by the general public. Libertas will nevertheless continue involving new players to our eCommunity at all cost. The fact that the last few months information by the government has been rarely given out, only makes matters worse. Last but not least, the current occupation has caused us to be left without Congress: Therefore the last elected Congress has extended it's mandate on the Forums for months already, without renewal. This results in both corruption and the lack of new eCitzens getting the chance to get involved. Libertas therefore support the current debate on the establishment of a more democratic 'emergency Congress'

Secondly, the issue of personal conflicts. Our small nation has been divided in two extremely radical sides (as briefly explained in previous paragraph). While this is a natural process, which has happened many times before in the history of the eNetherlands, things have gone too far now. Instead of a political conflict, based on political differences, this is a mere personal conflict between several key figures that has gone political and therefore national. We think both camps endanger the continuation of our nation and would like to both sides working towards a solution. In the meantime, Libertas will look forward to form a 3rd, alternative pillar with other individuals and parties who are sick and tired of this political infighting.

Gain a Base
We've been left without regions for months now, and while some of our brave warriors claim it's good for morale to keep fighting (useless) wars against the Polish occupation, cooler heads should work towards a resolution which guarantees us at least one of our regions. Having those is paramount to the survival of every eCountry. It gives us an elected Congress, which should solve at least some of the political problems as earlier described. It will also results in increased activity, as eDutch citizens can now once again do things that the occupation has made us impossible to do so and might keep newer players stick to our eNation. Therefore we support the current negotiations with the Polish by ElGorro III.

Interested by the pragmatic and realistic motives of our party? Join now and build the foundations of the progressive movement within the eNetherlands!
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