[კონკურსი]history of georgia

Day 2,868, 11:14 Published in Georgia USA by Xvtisoo

Oldest stories about Georgian people tell us about Kolkha and Diaokhi ,which are first Georgian Settlements in Caucasus region .
Everybody knows stories about Jason of Argonauts and Golden Fleece .

Georgian people were Pagan until 326 A.C. when King Mirian with the invitation of Constantine I of Byzantine Empire conducted themselves to faith of Christ .
Georgia had military affairs with Turks and Persians throughout their whole history starting from the 5th Century .
Georgia got unite in the 11th Century with the reign of King Bagrat The IV .
12th Century was the `Golden Age` of Georgia ,when Military force as well as cultural life of Georgia was at it's best.

Before that King David The Builder (IV) had a battle on the valley of Didgori , cleaning the 360k squad of Persian soldiers with the 40k Georgians and 15k Kipchags .This battle is known as the military strategy masterpiece.
After that Mongols and Arabs invaded Georgia several times ,thus ending their wealthy lifestyle. Georgia could never really stand on it's foots again .
In 1801 Russia declared Georgia as it's province and divided Georgia into two: Tbilisi Province and Kutaisi Province.
In 1918 Georgia declared it's independence ,but after three years Russia invaded again .
In 1922 Georgia was forced to sign pact with Russia and other socialistic Republics , thus forming Soviet Union .
In 1991 Georgia declared it's independence and remains as fast developing country from year of 2003 .

Georgia is known of it's environmental beauty and resorts .
You can always rest in Georgia as there are many places to see and Summer and Winter(ski) Resorts as well : Such as Batumi,Kobuleti,Anaklia,Ganmukhuri and for the ski resorts Gudauri,Bakuriani and many in Svaneti .

After departing from Soviet union ,Russia activated slow motion bombs - Abkhazia and Samachablo(A.K.A. South Ossetia) thus Russia Carried away 18% of Georgian territory and now they remain as De-Fact Countries with their So Called Government .

For more you can see pictures and Find out about best resorts in Georgia ,or visit Tbilisi .

