[Global Survey] Whats Your Bazooka Collection?

Day 1,348, 21:43 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

This is to gather info about the bazooka collection which we are all collecting....

I never assembled more than 2 bazookas before...

My collection:
Stock : 18
Barrel : 16
Scope : 0 😛
M6A3 Rocket : 3
Trigger Kit : 16

I found everyone has similar problems where they have too much of Stock, Barrel and Trigger Kit.

Kindly please let us know on this Bazooka collection so we can give some feed back to admins.

What will you Suggest Admins?

1. Ask admins to let us start Manufacturing Bazooks 2. Ask admins to trade Bazooka collection among each other
3. Others......


Please Shout To Gather Data From The Whole eWorl😛
[Global Survey] Whats Your Bazooka Collection? http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-global-survey-whats-your-bazooka-collection--1832862/1/20

#iTrade 🙂