[Foreign Office] Farewell, Colombia!

Day 3,694, 01:30 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

It's been a couple of days since we finally rid ourselves of one of the worst and least communicative "Training War" partners foisted upon our fair isle for many a long day. Following their unilateral declaration of war after losing one round of a direct battle, Colombia and their non-communicative Government were sent packing back across the Atlantic to Bogotá to lick their wounds.

This couldn't have happened without the help of our friends and allies, old and new, with specific mentions for the Pirates of Switzerland (Yarr! o?) and our Ukrainian friends (Ярр! o?).

The conclusion of this war means we have finally officially renewed our ties with our friends in Serbia with the signing of an MPP. Switzerland and the Czech Republic have also recently signed MPPs with us, making our stack look a lot healthier.

Despite the relatively good relations with the United States during our last term, their Foreign Minister has yet to respond to me so your guess is as good as mine as to what they are up to. Our concentration on the Colombians has left us behind in the war with the USA, though since I am informed that they are currently auto-attacking we have a chance to catch back up over the following few days.
