[ENN] Writer of the Week Award #1

Day 1,884, 17:50 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X

The first ENN Writer of the Week poll has concluded for week ending 1/10/13 and the votes have been tabulated. A total of 165 votes were counted and the highest vote totals were earned by Gnilraps for “Novum Politicum” and Bradley Reala for “[SPQR] Experientiam perpendentes, insania.”

Both articles received a total of 66 votes (40😵 and as stated in the competition rules, in the event of a tie, Editor-in-Chief Rainy Sunday was tasked with selecting the winning article as the tie breaker.

The winner of the ENN Writer of the Week Award #1 is:
Novum Politicum” by Gnilraps

Statement from ENN Editor-in-Chief Rainy Sunday: “I choose Gnilrap's article. Not only does he reflect on events that led to this point but he addresses our current situation and offers a solution. He acknowledges our domestic struggles but also points the reader to look beyond internal trouble and see our flailing condition on the world stage. Brad's article, while well-written, reflects his view of the past and offers no forward-thinking solution.”

We congratulate Gnilraps for being voted Writer of the Week. We also congratulate all the nominees, especially runner-up Bradley Reala and hope you will consider subscribing to their newspapers and voting up their articles to support great eUS writers.

Please submit articles for consideration: >>>SUBMIT HERE

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~Hadrian X
Publisher, ENN