[ENN] Writer Hall of Fame Nominations

Day 1,882, 00:28 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X


The editorial staff of ENN put together a nominating committee with the intent of generating a list of the ten best writers in eUS history. The nineteen members of the nominating committee include both veteran and newer players and hold a wide range of differing political and ideological viewpoints. Each was tasked with creating a list of twelve of their favorite eUS writers.

A total of sixty-six different writers received at least one nomination. In addition, there were eleven writers who received at least three nominations each, but did not qualify for the finals at this time. These writers will be added to the next WHoF nominating committee ballot for future consideration. They include: Astra Kat G, DesertFalcon, Emerick, Fingerguns, Gaius Julius, Hadrian X, Israel Stevens, Jack Flufferton, Josh Frost, Ligtreb and St. Krems.

We counted all the ballots and the top ten writers were to be deemed the official nominees for consideration of induction into the inaugural Writer Hall of Fame class. There were three writers tied for the final two spots and so all three were included in the finals, for a total of eleven WHoF candidates.

Voting will commence immediately on the EmpireNews.net website. The top three vote getters will be officially inducted into the ENN – Writer Hall of Fame. Inductees will be announced after the close of the poll on January 27, 1013.

To view the official nominees and vote, please visit our website: --->>> VOTE HERE

Disclaimer: In the interest of fairness, any and all votes found to be made through a proxy IP will be removed.

~Hadrian X
Publisher, ENN