[Editorial] The Crisis in Australia

Day 1,139, 08:03 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

For slightly over one week, our brother nation of Australia has faced an assault by its historical enemy, Indonesia. With their regions falling one by one to the Indonesian juggernaut, many had reason to doubt that Australia would survive. Here in eJapan, tired after our exhaustingly complicated region swap, there seemed little we could do. That is true no longer.

At the battle for the Australian capital of New South Wales, EDEN delivered, preventing our Australian brothers from being conquered by the Indonesian empire. Australia now has the initiative, and with allies behind them, and many Indonesia's allies busily breaking off from Phoenix, even the most hopeless of situations may not be so hopeless after all.

We eJapanese now have an opportunity, a crucial one. We can throw our full support behind Australia to push back the Indonesian juggernaut. In doing so, we would create a national purpose to rally behind, and show the world that we keep faith with our allies.

It is true that our Imperial Diet is in the process of joining the PANAM alliance, a mainly North and South American alliance which will keep us safely under the umbrella of American foreign policy. I have supported joining PANAM. That does not entail breaking faith with our other sworn allies who are not part of it. Instead, we should show the world what our alliance means, so that whatever consequences may ensue, our allies will know that when Japan stands behind them, we are true and faithful to our commitments.

Stand tall, eJapan. Defeat the Indonesian aggressors as we defeated the threatened PTO here within our own shores. Godspeed.