[CYPRUS] Lottery Winners

Day 1,642, 07:26 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

The lottery results came from the: http://www.random.org/
Spreadsheet with all the participants: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoqi2O1Bys-OdGszUHI5X2lONGp3bTB5eWI1dWNEVXc#gid=0


1. Alfadi (131 Q6 tanks + 1.79 gold) | Sent
2. dr.erol (131 Q6 tanks) | Sent
3. rozato (131 Q6 tanks) | Sent
4. zixe35 (100 Q5 tanks) | Sent
5. oykanuss (100 Q5 tanks)
6. RE-M-PELLOS (500 cc + 20 Q5 Food) | Sent
7. kkaaare (500 cc + 20 Q5 food)
8. Niyazik Eroglu (0.19 gold)
9. buglibugli (0.19 gold)
10. mstff (0.19 gold)

The winners please send me an ingame PM to receive your supplies until the next three days.
