[CP] My first statement :)

Day 2,451, 16:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cry of Banshee

hello Ireland 🙂

First of all, i want to thank you :')
I feel very honored of such a task. it's just a game (remember this sometimes 😁) but i will do my best this month.

1- so the fisrt move of this government was to procure a war to our citizen, due to the mission "how to raise an empire".

I talked with my canadian colleague Thedillpickl http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4085844 to organize a new training war for this week.

He was agree so i proposed a NE today : http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Ireland/147091

In addition, canada NE USA and USA NE canada, so we'll have a triple training war 🙂

you can look the canadian CP's article here : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/resources-india-war--2421767/1/20

prepare your weps and gain your TP medals and decorations !

2- concerning the Air Strike, it was not a priority in my program but we will continue the work with our government and AURORA. the purpose is to find a good target to help our alliance in the process.

3- our MoFa is preparing you some fun stuff ... 😉

that's all for this first day folks, i had lot of Pm to read 😁"

o7 ireland,

your devoted Banshee..