[CP] Last update - Thank you friends!

Day 2,690, 14:43 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello Ireland,
yesterday we’ve had some great fun after many months of saving and making money we’ve finally decided to go for a little action. What I saw made me not regret that decision, it was probably one of the best days in the last four years. Hopefully you feel the same ways as I do.

I’d like to give a special ‘Thank you’ to our allies, literally half of eRepublik was there for us yesterday, all our allies has came to fight with us against Poland, a country which always have a special meaning for us, we’ve fought the hard in the first couple of rounds and our allies proved themselves once again. I don’t think anyone who has been there for those several hours could feel that passion! Special thanks go for Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia, Myrmidones, GaMA, Chile, Turkey, Lithuania, Indonesia, Mexico, Serbians with dignity and lots of other individuals who has been there for us. We’re probably the only country which can unite all anti-Asteria forces and even some of those who fights for honour and glory. We’ll appreciate this forever and I’d like to make our allies know we’ll be there for them any time they need us. We might be small, but yesterday we’ve proved how big we are.

Ending the term..

We’ve had a decent month, I wouldn’t say it was perfect simply because we could have done a better job considering the baby boom, only several new members joined after our promotion over the facebook, on a positive note we’ve kept most of those new players and hopefully they will grow to a future force of eIreland. It’s so nice to see enthusiastic new fighters and writers in our community and I’d like to wish them long staying here in the name of whole eIreland.

The main threat for this term was keeping our country safe from Military Coups and we’ve managed to keep our country as it suppose to be - Irish. Our congress has been very cooperative and even though we didn’t had some major discussions and debates I believe this was the best term of all my terms considering cooperation with congress. There wasn’t a single incident or argue in the Congress threads and that’s really a difference from the last mandates.

Considering finances we’ve done a good job in the start, we’d end up in a nice profit if there wasn’t for this Airstrike, total costs of Airstrikes are roughly 435 000 IEP, but considering the prestige, respect and fun we bought with this amount I believe no one will regret doing it. We can return this money in less than a two months, all we have to do is work hard, just like so far. Considering I’ll most likely be Minister of Finances once again I’ll be glad to make enough money for us to regain the money. It was worth every single IEP! Why? Most of all, I was happy to see some of our strongest tanks enjoying the day, people like moomoohead, BiednyMis, Nerusia and many others finally could have some serious and strong fight on the Irish side, their reactions made me sure we’ve done a good job yesterday.

All in all, we had a stable, safe, interesting and mainly good term in my honest opinion. It could be better, it always can be better, but I know I gave my best for this country, same as my team, especially Inept Punisher who has been here all the time, suppling, communicating, keeping all of you updated. The new Government members Tara and Aoife did their best to entertain you, Sluagh has been lazy after his term, but he also did some good work, TRC has been there in shadow working all the time, Machiavelli did his part while being part of the Cabinet and Antollos got introduced to his work just recently, he was the one who brought many soldiers for us in our Airstrike. Seriously, thanks for the good work everyone! Hopefully we’ll have the same success in the next month too!

Thank you Ireland,
thank you friends of Ireland!

Ireland’s National channel - #eIreland
Irish MoFA Channel - #eire.fa

Ireland is a country with:

80% food bonuses
40% weapon bonuses
1% Work Tax
1% VAT
Why wouldn’t you join us?

Don Croata