[AMP] Top Spot within Sight!

Day 1,346, 08:40 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

Goddammit that is sexy...

Hello America!
It’s a beautiful day outside, isn’t it? First off, Congratulations to all the winning Congresspeople. We all look forward to your successful terms in office. Make sure you represent your people the best you can! And special congratulations to all of the American Military Party Congresspeople; Haliman, Leroy Combs, Bia Pandora, Morrigan Alexandros, Jason the Great, playa566, AmyHat, Roo Rocket, Bobady zoo (Jesse Fisch), Guillame Magro!!! Make us proud!

As the country turns it’s eyes towards the Presidential Elections, the AMP is very excited. After the American Military Party’s candidate Technician, lost by the slimmest of margins, all of the AMP is looking forward to August’s elections. Hopefully, they can prove to be as tense, thrilling and hard fought as July was. All of the candidates are urged to come to our forum, and make their case for winning the AMP Presidential Primary. Good luck to all!


With the AMP continuing to climb up the rankings, and swell in members, the top is at long last in our sights. We will not rest until we reach the #1 ranking in the United States. But being number one is only part of the process. Once we do take over the top spot, we plan on keeping it. We’re here to stay America, and we’re here to help this nation, our alliance, and individual citizens everywhere.
There are also some that would say that the top spot doesn’t mean as much as how well you can coordinate votes, and get people into Congress. I agree with that sentiment. The United States Workers Party has been the number one party in America for a long time. And they have been dominate in the Congressional Elections as well. It has been pointed out that even when the USWP wasn’t the top party (thanks to iNCi), that they still managed to get the most congressional seats. A very valid point, and one that is commendable. But, it should be mentioned that iNCi was limited to 10 seats. Had they been able to compete with the rest of the parties, they would have annihilated them. Winning the most seats with an uneven playing field is a nice pat on the back.

But taking the top spot in the rankings?

That does still mean something.

Lastly, a shout out to our Brothers in Arms over at the United States Armed Forces. You guys rock, and really don’t get enough credit for the work you do on the battlefields. Remember when we all used to be part of the same military? When we were all friends? For better or worse, it was a lot of fun.
We’re not asking you to rejoin the military. Those of you that left, did so for a reason. And you can’t be blamed for it, nor do we blame you. But we would like to invite you to check out our party.

It is not the ‘JCS Party.’

It is the American Military Party.

And we represent all of America’s fighting forces. Be it USAF, ST6, the eUS Mil, or any other militia. This really is the party for you, and we encourage you to check us out. Our goal is to represent every American Soldier. But we can’t do it without you. Click the image below to join up with us:

Who knows, maybe you’ll meet her:

ReShout this from the rooftops!!

[AMP] Top Spot within Sight!
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