Turkey > Ukraine

Day 1,591, 02:43 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Bukso

Bulgaria quit Eden, because EDEN is a DAMAGEHOOD, and this damagehood has following importance order:

Most important:
1. Croatia, Romania, Greece
then are comming:
2. Who makes the most damage
3. Who makes the second most damage
4. Who makes .....

And THIS ARTICLE is the living proof for this!


Everybody knows that Ukraine is Eden member than a loong time, but actually nobody cares about it, for everybody is Turkey much more important than Ukraine.

Following is happening when Bulgaria atack Turkey:
1. Greece NE Bulgaria
2. Romania NE Bulgaria
3. Ukraine NE Bulgaria
4. Croatia sets campaing of the day Bulgaria:

5. Portugal set campaign of the day Bulgaria:

6. Italy set campaign of the day Macedonia:

7. Albanias campaign of the day - Macedonia:

8. Romania set campaing of the day Bulgaria:

9. Turkey set campaign of the day Macedonia:

So what is happening when a EDEN member - Ukraine is goin wipped out:
1. ..................... (Maybe THIS)

I was woundering, how important could be a trial member ....