Trents' Law! (Rehash from a year ago)

Day 1,149, 19:01 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

I Propose to Congress and the Country's Administration a new judicial system!


Under Trent's Law the Supreme Court will be suspended indefinitely, replaced by a 20x20ft Steel Cage

All laws and procedures involving the Supreme Court will also be suspended indefinitely.

Under Trent's Law the Accuser and the Accuse will enter the Steel Cage and will be forced to fight to the death. (Any weapon used must be provided by the state)

Once one of the participants has died, The surviving participant will be declared the winner and the case will go in his favour.

This will speed up the Judaical system in Canada. To almost an instant decision.

This will also provide entertainment to the populous. Decreasing crime all together.

Also any money received (Whether through the sale of food/beverages and tickets to event) can go directly to the state.

Any Supreme court Justices still wishing to be apart of this system. May choose to be the crowd controller.

Under Trent's Law, eCanada will flourish into the future.