Trekker4PP My plans and Staff list

Day 2,640, 21:58 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Greetings. As you probably know, I am running for Fed Party President. Today I would like to discuss with you two very important parts of my policies for the upcoming month.

Plans and Staff listing.

The truth is I had a much longer and prettier first half of my article written up. It spoke briefly of service and what serving the Feds means to me. But when I copy and pasted it, apparently it got cut off. It is 1am and I need to get this article out. So without further delay...

First I will address the plans of the coming term.

1) During my first run as PP, I made a big deal out of a large congressional delegation being my main focus in my first 10 days of offive.

Real life did not agree with my ambitions and I was not able to get the momentum going forward to beat my predecessor, WookyJack, in the number of Feds he sent.  

This month I have set congress again as one of the main focuses of my first ten days.

This time that reason is to regain the Feds #1 spot in congressional delegation size. Last month, for the first time in many younger players living memory, USWP beat the Federalist party in total congressional votes and therefore sent more members to congress than the Feds. This is simply unacceptable. We have been the more active party for a very long time. So I want to regain that spot.

2) Another main focus, which will directly affect the first item, is work on the humanities side of the party. By humanities I mean the side of the party that makes people come to us and want to stay.

We do this by engaging people.

We engage people through Recruitment, Retention, and Fun.

Over the last two months Tyler has made great strides in this area so I see little reason to change much of what he has done. In fact, I am letting Tyler work directly with the team and continue the strides he has made. The only change to the humanities that I will be making is the addition of WookyJack as the Fun Director, but more on that later.

3) The third and final major agenda of my term will be to address a number of special projects I want done, that do not fit directly into any category. To this end I have assembled a "Special Projects" task force to help fill some of these projects. One of these being a collected Fed SOP of basic Fed Rules to be placed in a localized area for Feds to see at their leisure.

Now for my Staff list. Please note that there is some shuffling around to be done and this is not the final staff I will have.

PP: Trekker

VPP and CoS: I have people for these, but these may be shuffled around. SO I am not releasing the names yet.

Special Projects: Dave

SP Assisting: Paul Proteus

Political: Cromstar

Humanities: Tyler

Fun: WookyJack

Recruiting: Index

Retention: Talio*

FedEx: Jude

FBI: I could tell you, but I would have to kill you.

Treasury: Need to know basis

I have openings for staffers and for Director of Media. If you are interested in either I would implore you to contact me.

This concludes my staff listing and my article.

I hope that I have earned your vote.

Here is the voting link one more time:

-Trekker Tlumac (2xFed PP)

(*means pending status)