The Congressman of the Fuuuutuuuuure!

Day 1,218, 19:14 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Oh Hi there,

Welcome to my office in good c'old Northwest Territories.

You may all know me as Trenton Rendell, Trentonius if you frequent the IRC, or Dr. McNasty if you're on the corner of Crescent and St. Cathrine on a Weekend night.

I'm here to tell you why I should be in Congress.

(It's gonna take more then a sign Blondie.)

Now why should I be in Congress? Well I've done it 10 times before!

I'm ready to carry the heavy workload of the evil Jacobi regime and make sure you citizens are served the best.

I'm dedicated to my job and I'm willing to stay up long hours of the night fixing Congress.

I'm always ready to spring into action

While never losing time with the sexy ladies.

So on March 25th, Give yourselves a trophy

And Vote Trenton Rendell of the CPP into Congress.

And Remember...