Sweden steps up to protect India.

Day 595, 13:01 Published in Sweden Sweden by Misho

Currently the Swedish Congress is voting in favor of a Mutual Protection Pact with India.

eSweden has a historic friend in eIndia. We helped them under the Atlantis era and we would like to keep strong bounds of friendship with eIndia also in the future.

Here is a public letter form an Indian party leader and congress member giving his view of the situation:

Iran is threatening to invade India

I want to inform you all that eIran is on the verge of attacking eIndia.
The reason (according to them) : A newbie citizen posted an article against Iran.
The real Reason according to us- India has made tremendous progress in the last month. The number of regions has grown from 3 to 10. The population has doubled. We have a Q5 Hospital, our GDP has grown 10 times in 30 days and we are proposing to buy the region of Uttar pradesh from them for a sum of over 200 gold which they have already rejected.

Do you guys think it is wise to do such things. Culminate such petty issues into a war?

India is a peace loving country and has never attacked any country first neither in eWorld nor in the Real World. Iran is so jealous of the tremendous progress of India that it is scared of India. So, it is thinking of taking such steps. Please, I urge you all to show your support for Incredible India. We will preserve our integrity and Freedom at all costs.

We are trying our best to show Iran that we don't have any ill feelings towards them but if attacked, we will retaliate with full force. We will fight till last e-breath.

Anant Singhal,
Party President of Democratic Party of India,
Indian Congress member
ex- Minister of Internal Affairs (June-09)

India bought 410 FH 77 155 mm Field Howitzer System from Bofors, Sweden, during the years 1986-1990. In eRepublik we don't have Artillery but our Armed Forces do have Q5 weapons.

Archer FH77 BW L52 Self-Propelled Howitzer, eSwedish Q5
