Jacobi for CP January 5th!! (Interview with Well Known People)

Day 1,139, 13:15 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Not really, but I do have a interview for you.

I've been playing this game for awhile and in that time I've met many famous and important people. Only one person has irritated and annoyed me more then my guest today. Any Canadian over the age of 6 months knows who my guest is, he has become a house hold name here in eCanada. My guest today returns to eCanada after a short retreat to eCyprus. Please welcome sean92.

The Canuck: Hello sean92, welcome back to Canada.

sean92: Tanks u lol

The Canuck: My first question, which is what many people are wondering is this.
What brings you back to eCanada?

sean92: well idk wen i left cyprus who gott attacked bye the turkey on thanksgivign day i went 2 franse n i asked 4 the citizinship butt it got denied then i went 2 usa n asked 4 the citizinship n it gott denied then i went 2 canada n i gott the canadian citizinship lol

The Canuck: Is there anything you learnt from your time in eCyprus? Any new experiences or ways to play the game

sean92: well yeah wen u run 4 the congress u need 2 tell ur party prisident 1st cuz i forgott n they thouff i was a ptoer lol

The Canuck: Now that you're back what are your plans?

sean92: am goign to pto canada lol

The Canuck: Will you be running for Congress anytime soon? For Country President?

sean92: yeah shure am goign 2 try butt i dunt hav time 2 fink aboot my plattform dis month 4 contry prisident lol

The Canuck: Theres been some harsh criticism from Francois Pignon of the Union Nationale, he's been calling for your exile of the country. How do you respond?

sean92: wut hu is dat lol?

The Canuck: What are your thoughts on the recent French invasion of Canada? Can we win? Will there ever be peace between our two nations?

sean92: well i preffer 2 not talk aboot dis lol

The Canuck: If you were to run for Country President, who would be your VP?

sean92: bonnomme carnaval lol

The Cancuk:How do you feel about former CAF General Coda joining the TCO?

sean92: i fink shes hawt do u hav her phone number lol?

The Canuck: Recently President TemuijinBC has dissolved Congress and assumed total control of the country, How would you handle the situation if you were Head Speaker of Congress?

sean92: i wood say temujin is a butt lol

And finally Do you like pie and if so what is your favourite type?

sean92: i lik meat pie wiff lots off ketchup on it lol

bye the way miley cyrus liks ketchup so i fink she wood lik 2 eat meat pies lol (or tourtiaire in french langwhich lol)

Thanks to sean92 for taking the time to sit and have a chat with me.