How do you play ClopoStars

Day 6,038, 05:13 Published in Romania Romania by Clopoyaur
ClopoStars is a fantasy league game type created by Clopoyaur built as a Trading Card Game and is available at:

Register on

Provide a valid email address and choose a password. Then validate the email address with the code you receive, and you're in.

Check Your Cards

Once you enter the site, check My Base - My Cards. There, you will discover 20 Normal cards. These are your starting warriors. Below each card, you will notice two numbers. The first number is the percentage bonus the card has (all your cards will have 0% at the start), and the second number represents the power of the card (the average of the daily scores of the card for the last 2 months). The higher the power, the better the card is.

Send Your Warriors to Battle

Go back to the main screen, and you'll notice two competitions in the "Next Competitions" section. Hit Register and then Enter. The next page that opens is the registration page.
Here, you have to pick your five cards to send to battle. Ideally, you would want to send your best five cards, but there is a restriction regarding the total power the selected cards can have.

* For the "Normal Kombat" competition, the maximum power is 225.
* For the "Normal Hero" competition, the maximum power is 200. However, in the "Hero"competitions, the first card selected is called the "Hero" and does not count towards the total power.
Make sure to stay within the power limits, hit Save, and you're in.

How Do I Win?

Your cards will score points based on the performance of the Erepublik citizens they represent. Your score is compared with the other ClopoStars players, and the best players win prizes (you can find more information on the Competitions - Information page).

Watch Your Cards' Progress

Each week has three rounds of competitions:
* Round 1: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
* Round 2: Thursdays and Fridays
* Round 3: Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays
The best score of a card in any of the days in a round is considered the final score for that competition. Scores and rankings are updated hourly, and you can watch all the details on the Competition - Team Composition page. By pushing the (i) button, you get detailed scores.
The team you just saved will start making points on Tuesday, June 4th, at 0:00 UTC (Monday 17:00 Erep time).

Card points
A card scores points based on how the Erepublik citizen it represents plays Erepublik, as follows:
* 1 point for each 500.000.000 ground damage
* 1 point for each 50.000 air damage
* 2 points for each Battle Hero medal
* 3 points for each Sky Hero medal
* 6 points for each Campaign Hero medal
* 5 points for each Resistance Hero medal, Mercenary medal and Prestige Hunter medal

As you progress, you win more cards and gain more Prestige. Prestige is awarded for finishing a competition in Top 10. This is also the measure of you success in Clopostars

You can find the detailed rulebook in English, Romanian, Spanish, and Bulgarian in the Allies - Help menu. For more info you can join:
Clopoyaur's stream
ClopoStars Telegram channell
ClopoStars Discord channell
Also, check my last article:

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