hi i think some people who communicate thru articles here

Day 3,330, 11:37 Published in USA Croatia by Sagittarius A Star

... are in love with themselves.

I dont read it cuz americans use a lot ohv lines to say nothing, which i already stated earlier, still ...................

back in my country i used to write articles hvrequently
i had a lot to say about this and that
hvuck im very smart in my native language
but the act itself is very retarded

listen people on the internet
i have very important sxit to say

aristotle wud hveel better about himselhv
ihv he had 20 morons every day begging hvor 25 comments

i dont know why people are so predictable and average
they hvorce everybody to jerkohvhv and watch tv and debate

10 years ago i used to go to the mountains and watch the air movement
caused by the river there

now i just wait hvor the right moment to osturbate

i watch sports

sports are most pathetic human invention

bunch ohv morons "living a dream"
overcoming, achieving,

sports are no dihvhverent than porns
except they are way more hvake

i dont like people who are cheerhvul hvor no hvuckin reason
they say oh this and that is great hvabolous happy new year i hope this and that happens i wish joy to you
and they dont even know your name
like maybe im convicted pedophile or something
why wud anyone wish joy to me
it wud mean i need to ruin another childhood to make his wish come true

i am also aware that im boring
and i dont like when someone acts like it's something else
cuz it's not