hi i dont like this country

Day 3,319, 05:51 Published in USA Croatia by Sagittarius A Star

i was in hungary they very cute but i dont know the language usamerican i know but i dont understand jokes and vibe people waste too many letters to tell a joke make a point or insult someone insults are sohvt tho it takes ehvhvort to get insulted listen i have a pain in my back shoulder plećka they wud say also my monitor dropped dead yesterday and bank wont send me visa ye ye
it reminds me
i need an american who uses both neteller and paypal trustworthy american is it possible is there such thing as trustworthy american whats that thing when you say "living corpse" or "pretty Brit" or "trustworthy american" oh yea oxymoron

listen we need to win now ihv u could elect rainy she will appoint me as mu commander once shes dictator and no more embarrassing things shall happen like dead indonesia takes cores and all ohv that do you actually debate on hvorums whether you should put co? it doesnt work that way, it needs to be done immediately or you lose ...

but that brit was cute, maybe because its jewish
i have no opinion
about jews