eCanada is in trouble...

Day 1,274, 18:48 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

eCanada is in trouble...

Our nation has been dealing with the devil for too long!, eCanada has lost it's true path.
It's time to correct our path, it's time to join the Christian Heritage Party.

Join Here...see now you're saved.

It's time for our nations leaders to return our nation to her Christian roots and embrace our load and savior.

Raptor Jesus.

The Christian Heritage Party is here to preserve and protect our nations spot in the kingdom of heaven but we need your help.

Day by day, hour by hour our nation crumbles to the forces of the Devil. Thefts, Battle Losts, Dominik, High Gold prices all of these events occurred because we chose to ignore our Christian beliefs.

Return our nation to the way of God.
Return our nation to glory.

Join Here...see now you're saved.

"And as for these enemies of mine who didn’t want me to be their king–bring them in and execute them right here in front of me." – Raptor Jesus (Luke 19:27)