Death of a Snake oil Salesman.

Day 1,311, 04:36 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Trenton Rendell is dead....

Trenton had lived an amazing life even though it was rather short. Trent was a great friend; he was the kind of friend that stands by you when you need somebody to be there. He once saved my life. We were both young kids then and we weren't very close. I was hastily walking across the street when Trenton saw a speeding car. If it wasn't for Trent, I would have died right there. That's how I became close to Trenton. Yes, that was 10 years ago and we've been inseparable ever since.

I remember once Trenton told me he met a girl who stole his heart. Being his best friend I must admit I was rather shocked and thought evil things about that girl. It was not because I’m in love with Trenton but it’s more of I was simply not used to sharing Trenton’s time with anyone else. It was always me and Trenton.

What is it that we remember when we think of Trenton? I think everyone who knows him very well would agree with me on this. It was his sense of humor. He was the kind of person that would make everyone laugh so hard that they’d end up crying. Who could forget about his mama jokes? How about all his green jokes? Goodness! Just thinking about those green jokes still makes me laugh. He was so out there when he starts those jokes. That is what I will truly miss about Trenton. He could make me laugh when I am really sad. He always cheered me up when he knew I just had a bad day. That’s the trademark of Trenton. He always wanted to make people happy.

Trenton’s death was sudden. I remember when I heard the news I simply could not believe it. Trenton was too young but as it slowly occurred to me I have realized that Trenton indeed lived his life wonderfully. Trenton was well-loved and he had done so many things on earth and I’m sure he’ll do much more in heaven. I will forever be grateful to have known Trenton. I will forever be grateful that Trenton was there at the right place and at the right time to save my life. I will forever be grateful for spending 10 years of my life with a friend like him. All the memories I have shared with him will forever be cherished and remembered. Trenton will forever live in my heart… In our hearts.

Trenton is in heaven now and we are here on his funeral. This is not the time for us to grieve his death but it’s our time to celebrate his life. Don’t ever forget Trenton. He never wanted to see people cry. He wanted to make everyone happy. So at this moment when we are about to lay his body to rest, let’s all think back and remember how Trenton touched our lives. How he made us laugh and how good Trenton was as a person. This is not the moment for us to shed our tears but we should all be thankful that we were given the chance to have known a man named Trenton.

Trenton will forever be missed but I know in the right time, I will meet Trenton again. We will all meet Trenton again and he’ll make us laugh in tears again.

Hello friends,
Trenton Rendell died yesterday....


HELLO! I'm not dead nor am I going to die. It's just time for:


That's right, as I have done for the past two years I will be taking a short break from eRep to vacation across Canada. I leave Montreal tomorrow and will be back August 18th.

If you're wondering where in Canada I'm heading, I made a little map to show you all.

Now as tradition states, Duke Leto is to watch over my cats while I'm gone and I hope in my absence you can sort out the political problems and make sure we are not conquered by ONE.

Because if I come back and I'm living in Sweden, France, United Kingdom, United States, Poland, Spain, Hungary, New Zealand or Norway Heads are going to start coming off.

Byebyebye Love you all!!