Britardation and healing

Day 3,215, 00:25 Published in USA Croatia by Sagittarius A Star

You might not remember me, I exposed the Brits in USA, but Brit Primarius Melissa Rose had me deported.

Today we will talk about what is wrong in USA.

I got to see this Britard when i was doin some sxit hvor the money, so let's think about these 2 pictures

On the left side you have "regular" Brit picture, they wanted him to look nice, to smile, all that sxoit.
On the right side you have mugshot, they didn't have the time to stage the scene it's what it is.

So what is wrong about USA?

If you take a closer look at "pretty" picture, you will realize that his eyes are empty, that his "glow" is fake, that his smile is fake.
He looks more like human being in mugshot, right?
More alive.
Although stoned.

This is obvious example of what Brits did to USA.

In eUSA there is a large Brit network running things, controlling everything, promoting fakeness and useless debates.

They are all controlled by this advanced computer program called Melissa.
We must terminate it before it's too late.

We no got no royalty, know what me say?