A Cup of Tea with Trenton Rendell: AngryMobMan's Cancer

Day 1,251, 22:03 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Welcome to the inaugural issue of “A Cup of Tea with Trenton Rendell” I'm Trenton Rendell and this interview series is made to bring you the reader some of the most hard-hitting, to the point, attention grabbing interviews with some of today’s most interesting and controversial players.

Today's interview is with a person who's been making headlines in eCanada as of late. AngryMobMan's cancer. Is he real?, is he made up? Bone Cancer, Brain Cancer, Media Cancer. Today I bring to you an interview with the one and only. He's here and he's ready to break his silence.

Trent: Hello and thank you for the interview.

Cancer: I'm happy to finally come clean.

Trent: Now let's get straight to the point, are you real?

Cancer: I am very real thank you.

Trent: So AMM didn't make you up?

Cancer: Not exactly this is how it all started.

Trent: Go on...

Cancer: AMM first contacted me in June of 2010, at that time I was bar-tending at a bar in Southern Regina called “The Leaky Regina” I was making minimum wage and was looking for a bigger pay. AMM called flew me over to his place and offered me a job to live in his brain for a few months, he explained to me it was because he was in need of attention in this online browser game. He told me that I would get payed $5000 after I was done with the job + food and shelter. I couldn't resist.

Trent: So he payed to get himself brain cancer?

Cancer: Not quite, let me explain. I was supposed to go to this brain but on the way there my flight had gotten delayed in AMM's leg bone and I had a few hours to burn. While I was in AMM's leg I meet a young man named Ronaldo, who was making his way to AMM's penis. Needless to say we got stuck in conversation and I missed my flight to AMM's brain. Embarrassed, late and out of money I decided to stay in AMM's leg until I could make up the flight money.

Trent: I take it the story doesn't end there?

Cancer: No, not at all. I heard in the airport that AMM had already began to tell others that he was suffering from brain cancer. I couldn't do it...I just couldn't. I couldn't make the trip. He told so many that I was there, I couldn't face myself with the embarrassment. I used my return ticket and went back to Regina.

Trent: You ran away?

Cancer: 🙁 yes

Trent: Seeing all the trouble you've caused for both the country, Acacia and AMM himself. Do you have anything to say to AMM?

Cancer: All I want to tell AMM is to next time make sure your employees are where they are and not fabricate stories.

Trent: What will you do now?

Cancer: Fortunately I've been hired, I start on the 5th.

Trent: Who hired you?, what are you doing?

Cancer: Acacia Mason hired me, I'm going to be his Political Cancer.

Trent: Excellent, I would like to thank you Cancer for agreeing to an interview.

Cancer: The pleasure is all mine.

I would also like to thank you all for joining me and stay tuned, next week I interview Dominik's massive ego.


Also I'm running for Congress in Florida, if you don't mind flying to Florida and giving Trent a vote. I'll send you a kiss (Plus MT and 100 CAD)