[TrekkReal] CP endorsement enclosed...

Day 2,631, 11:57 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Sup my mad homey lizards?

It be Trekker just kicking it Fed style. (Not really sure how that varies from other ways, but still...)

I am just hear to shout out to you about the upcoming CP battle.

A TL😉R version included at that end.

We used to have three incredibly talented candidates running. Evry, Jude, Wild Owl. But Evry has dropped from the race. And having spoken to Evry personally about it, I can understand the motivations there. Just as I understand the motivations of the other two for running as CP, having spoken personally with both of them as well.

So, among the two choices left, where does this lizard land on the vote?

Trekker Tlumac personally endorses Wild Owl for CP. I know my endorsement means less to many of you than others endorsing him will. And you are welcome to that opinion.

But Trekker!? How can you possibly vote against a fellow Fed?!

I will not lie, it was not the easiest choice I have ever made. Especially considering that I am quite friendly with Jude. Hell, I am even on IRC with him right now and asked him if he would be pissed if I published an article supporting Wild Owl. (Which he quite amply expressed he was fine with me not endorsing him and there were no hard feelings.)

So what are my reasons? It is not friendship, because I am friends with everyone running. And it is not that I think Wild Owl is the only person for the job of CP. So why Wild Owl and not Jude?

To me, Wild Owl is currently a "war time" president. He started the Resource Wars, he has led the country to a great position. He should lead us home. I want to make clear that I do not think Evry or Jude would be incapable of handling the tail end of the war, I just think a unified vision that the CP who began the war best serves the eUSA at this time...


Trekker Tlumac votes Wild Owl for CP, because we should not vote out a War Time President.

Trekker Endorses Who for CP?