[Trekk-Trekk4PP] Hold your horses!

Day 2,635, 23:39 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

I actually have no intention of speaking of horses at all in the following article. Although I do hear that there are some incredibly articles in the RL about horses in recent times. Including but not limited to the release of American Mustangs back into the American Southwest, from which they were taken by force.

Well anyways I guess I should get back on topic.

I am Trekker, but you already knew that.

I am Fed, and you REALLY should have known that.

I am running for Fed Party President again and I would like your support!

We can make this party even greater than it is now. It will be a challenge, because we are so great, but together there is nothing we cannot do.

We will leader the party and country into the future.

We will be victorious.

We will overcome.

I ask you to join me for the Federalist Party would be nothing without you.

Trekk-Trekk4PP [Hold Your Horses]
Fed Poetry

*Paid for by Trekker for the greater good foundation*