[Trekk] I did not choose to be Fed

Day 2,634, 23:25 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac
I did not choose to be Fed.

It was thrust upon me.
I ran from a place of persecution, a place of negativity.
At the time of my departure I was just running, to any port in the storm.
Three months of hell left me feeling like a mariner lost in a life raft.
Would I find a place to land or be swallowed in the rain?
One lone welcoming light in the sea of darkness to surrounded me.
The first port to open to me was the Federalist Party.

I did not choose to be a Fed.

At the time any place had to be better than where I came from.
And it was.
To call it a slice of heaven is melodramatic, so that is not what I will say.
Still it should be noted that it was a stark contrast to my life before.
Feds welcomed me as though I had always belonged.
I, however, was less welcoming to the peace they offered.
To call me hesitant would underplay my guarded nature.

I did not choose to be a Fed

In time my fears began to give way to the unyielding kindness I had found.
I found friends and ,reluctantly, became active in party.
To serve my party and public, turns out it is a worthwhile means.
A way to give back to those to helped me.
And a way to help those who may not know help exists.
The Federalist Party made this part of my eLife worth eLiving.

So again I say: I did not choose to be a Fed.

Much like the pug in the picture below, who did not choose the pug-life.
I did not choose to be a Fed.
The Federalist Party chose me.

I am thankful it did
