[PotUS] Trekker's Address, Day 2699

Day 2,699, 00:38 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

So… Five days in…

Firstly I want to thank all the people who have embraced me as President/Dictator. I have had many warm welcomes and congratulations from people from all over the eWorld as well from all parts of the eUSA.

These kinds words have been appreciated.

For those of you who have never been Country President, I want to share my experience of the first few days.

First and foremost I have become popular. In the last few days I have received more friend requests and messages than I ever have. Sure this is to be expected. Expectation and reality are rarely ever equal.

I have gotten close to 100 friend requests and have sent out about that many myself.

And my inbox is full. We are talking 60 messages, many of them with several replies back and forth. I have spent more time typing in the last few days than I did on my last research paper.

Of these messages, I have received three types.

By a large margin the most messages I get are Foreign Affairs related. You know, the welcome to the club, we are happy to work with you, may our nations prosper type of messages. With some negotiations on stuff I am not at liberty to share.

The second type of message I now get are the “Favor” messages. The “hey now that you are powerful, do me a favor”. Most of these messages are not as nefarious as that sounds. Usually it is something minor and generally not really a favor to be done as to explain something that the asker does not understand.

The third type of message I guess are citizen requests. These, at least, should be familiar to anyone who has ever been to congress. I get a lot of these. I do the same thing I did as a congressmen; I refer them to IES and include the links they will need.

It is in this last group of messages in which I have found my funniest moment in the last few days. Someone attempted to bribe me for citizenship. I recieved a message asking to be approved. Along with the message was a single moving ticket. I cannot be bought, but even I had to laugh over the idea of a single moving ticket being enough for anyone to buy CS.

I referred them to IES and sent two moving tickets back.

Well that is all for now. I will update you further in coming days.

Remember to check out these exciting media options…

Tyrannosaurus Dictator,

-Trekker Spanksalot Tlumac