[NID] This place really really sucks.

Day 1,154, 11:12 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

[img]THIS IS NOT MY FIRST AND PROBABLY MY LAST ARTICLE! I have been playing for about two years now and I can imagine having to play a whole other year. The people who have been playing for years now really need to get a life. No aspect of this game really grasps my attention nor makes me feel like, "I'm being entertained right now." I mean it's like this in every other eCountries eUS, eNZ, ePoland...are they all as crappy and mind-numbing as ours. The only thing that is consistent about this game is the bickering between noobs and elites and the failures to be able to connect to certain applications on the game. These RL 13-40 year old men and women and the other "elites" on this game deserve to be heard and/or deserve to have some public position because they have earned it. This game only provides a platform for people to achieve things they probably wouldn't do in real life. The normal people or "Average Joes" who play this game whom you never hear from (because they never PM you) (usually lvl 20 or lower) are the muddy gravel of eRepublik and are silenced by their own ignorance. Again, people like Acacia Mason, Salty Dog, and Rolo all want to keep us down and wish to only serve themselves. No government officials or elitists have ever asked me if I needed any assistance. If I ever did I was answered with a BS response like "I don't have an extra 2 units of food to keep you from dying." That is a complete lie because I never ask these people. Especially when I am asking the CP (who is busy running the country) or someone who is lvl 24+ and not apart of a government assistance program. I urge the rest of the regular people to follow me to Mordor. I am tired of having to sit back and allow others in charge of the country and our future take advantage of us and the country's treasury. WE CAN NEVER MOVE UP AND NEVER GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED BECAUSE OF OUR IGNORANCE. Don't the elitists of this game understand why eCanada has so few people?. Most of us quit by lvl 6 or lvl 10 because this game is too deep 4 us. I have only kept around for two years trying to become CP, And sadly, I have not yet... sorry for my rambling. Seeing as most of you won't read this, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING![/img]