Work Tax around the World

Day 4,091, 04:39 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F
Greetings, fellow citizens

since the last article full of facts evil misleading propaganda had quite a success, today I bring you another economic related article. This time, I looked at bunch of countries of similar size and population to ours (okay, some of them are bit bigger than Netherlands, but it will make for a better list), and I tried to compare their Work Taxes. Is the situation in Netherlands really that bad? Is my continuous statement that most countries choose lower Work Taxes another fake propaganda? Can we still go higher with Work Tax? Let's see some of the nations I have scouted. They are ordered according to their Work Tax.


UAE - 78 citizens, 25% Work Tax
South Africa - 167 citizens, 25% Work Tax


Paraguay - 121 citizens, 10% Work Tax


Lithuania - 368 citizens, 5% Work Tax
New Zealand - 99 citizens, 5% Work Tax
North Korea - 101 citizens, 5% Work Tax


Netherlands - 249 citizens, 4% Work Tax


Bolivia - 197 citizens, 3% Work Tax
Latvia - 264 citizens, 3% Work Tax
Nigeria - 78 citizens, 3% Work Tax
Uruguay - 187 citizens, 3% Work Tax


Canada - 371 citizens, 2% Work Tax
Japan - 264 citizens, 2% Work Tax
Israel - 255 citizens, 2% Work Tax


Armenia - 71 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Australia - 272% citizens, 1% Work Tax
Austria - 189 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Belarus - 258 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Belgium - 167 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Bosnia and Herzegovina - 427 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Cuba - 190 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Cyprus - 122 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Czech Republic - 228 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Denmark - 84 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Estonia - 115 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Finland - 323 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Germany - 624 citizens, 1% Work Tax
India - 288 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Ireland - 229 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Malaysia - 98 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Montenegro - 131 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Norway - 105 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Pakistan - 150 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Republic of China (Taiwan) - 515 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Republic of Moldova - 171 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Saudi Arabia - 195 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Singapore - 76 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Slovakia - 100 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Sweden - 323 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Switzerland - 162 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Thailand - 105 citizens, 1% Work Tax
United Kingdom - 578 citizens, 1% Work Tax
Venezuela - 538 citizens, 1% Work Tax

So, as you can see, in comparison with 40 other small-ish nations, we are at 7th place regarding the level of our Work Tax. We are only beaten by military-oriented countries like UAE, South Africa and Lithuania, or by the powerhouses of the eWorld like North Korea and Paraguay. So, should we follow their model and live just like the best Korea? Or should we follow our Orion buddies, who keep their work taxes lower for some evil economic-related reason?

Let me know in the comments, I cannot wait to see them 😉 !