War of National Liberation

Day 3,018, 18:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

I'll start this article by stating that Lithuania's damage is 14 billion, and that Ireland's is 7 billion. It may seem impossible for us to defeat Lithuania in a direct war, but it isn't! As Sweet Drinker recently stated, in an excellent article of his, eIreland's military victories have almost always been Pyrrhic Victories. We have usually "won" our wars by making it very inconvenient for an attacker to continue to occupy eIreland. I propose that we do the same for eLithuania. We're the underdog, but we can liberate ourselves!

Do I like kneeling to the slave of Asteria, no I don't.

Do I believe that we should stop the so called TW with Lithuania, YES I DO!

eIreland has never bowed down to its invaders, so why should we begin now?!

We must try to win ALL our battles with Lithuania, there is no training war,
THIS IS A WAR OF NATIONAL LIBERATION! Become occupied, or become free:


Nota Bene:

The current administration of eIreland has taken a very unusual stance for an eIrish gov. They have bowed down to Ireland's invaders. Needless to say, I am suprised. I wouldn't have thought that the Nogin, WHS, Tatlock, would behave like this, even in the face of the utmost adversity....