Vote for CheetahCurtis in East Midlands

Day 1,677, 00:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Hi, my name is CheetahCurtis, and as you may have guessed, I plan to run for Congress on the 25th of June. I have been in Congress twice, but never able to run in my home region of East Midlands, so I will be running for ESO in the East Midlands this election.

Some Past Experience
- Twice in Congress, the first time was in March 2012, when I recieved 17 votes running in London. I did not run in April but did get into Congress in May 2012, with 5 votes in Yorkshire & Humberside.
- MoHA Apprentice, which I volunteered for after getting into Congress in May. Most Congressmen did not volunteer for a ministry, so that is something I am proud of. I have sent over 50 messages to new players and given out thousands of food through the NHS. I will volunteer again if I get into Congress.
- Newspaper Publisher, not really the most politcal thing on the list, however I am proud of my newspaper and hope it continues to grow.
What I Stand For
Being in Congress is not as amazing as running the country but there are still certain things which I stand for:
- Fighting for ONE, which means helping out our allies. But I would also like to see our country fighting more, gaining us more regions and showing that our country should not be messed with.
- Supporting Newer Citizens, as I want to see our future leaders grow, but more importantly stay with us. I have mentored and talked to new players and want to give them the best chance possible in the game.
- Activity, I will be active and vote on all proposals in-game and on the forum... unlike some Congressmen.
- Everyone, if you vote for me, I will stand for you. If you want anything then I will listen to you. If it is a good proposal then I will try and get it through parliament.
Remember that CheetahCurtis will be running in East Midlands on the 25th of June. Please move to East Midlands on the 25th and vote for CheetahCurtis, for a better eUK.
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 23rd of June 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.