UPDATE; novost iz strani adminov

Day 1,108, 01:13 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by p0luks

Glede na miljon pritozb iz strani igralcev eRepublika je admin podal nekaksen povzetek, in s tem tudi napovedal kaj in kako bomo lazje podjetniki zopet zaceli poslovat - trenutno nam ne preostane durgega kot da cakamo (vasj eSlovenci ki smo premajhni in atm presvoh da bi si prisvojili kako dezelo), da admini dejansko uvedejo te spremembe;



Player; I have a grain/iron/oil Raw Materials company in a region that doesn't have anymore grain/iron/oil as a resource. What should I do?
Admin; Check if another region in your country has that resource. If it has, don't worry, you get the 25% bonus.

Player; Well, it doesn't.
Admin; You will still be able to produce the raw material but you won't get the 25% bonus.

Player; But I want the 25% bonus
Admin; Then wait for a few days as we will offer the possibility to move your company from a different location or from your organization to your citizenship country. And you will get also a bonus for that!

Player; Neah, I want the bonus faster. How can I get it?
Admin; Normally, your country neighbors should have at least a region that is rich in grain/iron/oil. If your country conquers that region, you will get the bonus.

Player; I'm still not happy!
Admin; Damn, you're difficult. In a couple of days we will put live a small tool so that you can change the industry of your company. This means that if you have a grain company it can be transformed into iron or oil and vice-verse. Analyze this very well because that tool can be used only once for that company. This tool will be available only for grain, iron or oil companies and, in order to avoid any problem, you will be able to own more than one company on the same industry.

Torej predvsem na zadnji odstavek zacnite planirat na kaksen nacin se boste prilagodili danim razmeram! Predvsem razmislite ce se res vsem splaca preselit grain podjtetje (ki verjamem da ga ima kr nekaj eSlovencev) ali rajsi to isto podjetje prekvalificirat v drugacno panogo!

Problem ki ga sam trenutno vidim je v tem da ce vsi premestimo svoja podjetja v eSlovenijo in z dvema high grain dezelamo bo slovenija ratala zanimiva se za nase zaveznike bo slej ko prej zmankalo delovne sile ki je ze itak majhna, kar bo posledicno povisalo place v visave.

ampak bomo vidli, do takrat pa lahko samo cakamo in smo strpni.
