Uk media is dead? You've been misled

Day 2,834, 09:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hail Astrid

Prince Harry (revised edition) a 5 min poem

Let's see, what shall I write about today?
Some military battle insight, or a shocking exposé?
An interview with a leading figure, or a lottery with free health?
Or maybe I'll just write a quick poem about myself

I'm an important person you see, I'm no common lout
Top 4 News in 15 minutes with just two shouts
My 3956 friends really helped me out
And 15 of them voted? That's a fanbase I'd call devout

Every stanza begins with me saying I'm great
That's just poetic structure, yeah I'm a literary heavyweight
That's why my name ends with a full stop even though that's grammatically incorrect
Like changing my name every month; that's in no way suspect

Let me go ahead and give you a concise version of the first edition
Stanza 1: Prince Harry. does not condone homosexuality
Stanza 2: Prince Harry. shaves his legs and finds sleep a triviality
Stanza 3: Prince Harry. stereotypes redheads and presumably enjoys articles by Neil Lewis
Then brags about setting a record and make you feel shrewish

Brought to you by the House of Winzdor
while waiting for the next Rob the Bruce article