Trouble in Taiwan

Day 1,925, 22:40 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

America’s decision to invade Taiwan did not come without scrutiny or challenge when it was first announced. People were upset that so soon after our trial membership in CoT was announced, we’d be attacking a former ally. There were also those in this country that simply would not fight against Taiwan. These are mainly people from the JCS and those citizens from countries aligned with the remaining nations of EDEN. This makes things tougher as our military is rendered inefficient by their inaction. Thus, invading Taiwan becomes a much more interesting and challenging task.

The announcement article trumpeted the cause by claiming we were invading the Taiwanese in order to liberate our oppressed allies, and indeed that was the situation. Yet, it was made to sound by the administration as though we would steamroll right through Taiwan. As fingerguns said when announcing the war, “We will go through South Korea to start dismantling Taiwan, piece by piece, until they have been completely scrubbed from the history books. Any fragments of their society that remain will seem so mysterious and out of place that the Ancient Alien guys will make a 3 part special about it.”

That’s a powerful statement to make.

It was all part of the presentation though and is simply standard operating procedure for this kind of event. It’s what any President would do. When gearing up for war, a leader doesn’t want to tell the populace, “This will be hard, challenging, and we may very well lose.” Sure, it is straightforward, but this is a game and you want the citizenry to be fired up about going to war. Unfortunately, it also sets very high expectations, if they were not high already. So when portions of the populace do not fight in offensive campaigns, and things do not live up to the hype, the fall is only harder. The populace, and perhaps even those in government, likely did not foresee a true possibility of failure in this operation.

Yet, Operation Gangnam Style has been a failure, up to this point. Currently we are seeing the backlash of the high hopes of the people crashing down to earth, as they realize we may have to abandon the campaign.

Frankly, we have been outmaneuvered at every turn. The choke point at Jeollanam-Do creates a problem. Once it falls to Taiwan’s hands, we have to beat them to proposing NE, which I believe has been done twice. When we get initiative, Taiwan and its allies tank heavily, making sure we rarely advance. If Taiwan gets initiative, they give the region back to South Korea, starting an endless cycle.

The latter is the typical scenario that we’ve had to endure.

Yet, it appears as though we may have turned a corner. We have actually started fighting for South Korea after they NE’d Taiwan rather than letting Taiwan win. By doing this, South Korea can launch attacks according to our time zone leading up to our primetime. This represents a significant advantage for the USA. Now the Taiwanese, by themselves, will be unable to hold off the Americans for a significant portion of the battle by sheer tanking. They will have to rely on EDEN nations come to their aid and heavily tanking for them at the proper time.

With the new strategy of using South Korea to attack Taiwan, America is finally steamrolling through a Taiwanese region (at the time of publication). However, in the next battles, EDEN will surely come to their aid and defend them. Without JCS units and those who support EDEN fighting for the USA against Taiwan, it will be tough. We will need support from CoT to counteract the EDEN support. In absence of CoT, we would either lose or likely need to purchase mercs in order to hold them off.

However, overall, the new strategy gives us a better chance.

We may have turned a new corner when it comes to this war. However, we could easily be rejected, our advances rebuffed, and sent back home to Taiwan’s occupied homeland. Needless to say, this has become a war of attrition. We keep going back and forth in a stalemate. Yet, the outcome of Operation Gangnam Style is not set in stone, as of yet. If we can execute properly, the USA and CoT still has a chance to claim ultimate victory.

Let’s hope we can finally pull it off.