TNT Company : Contactos / Contacts / Kontakte / επαφές / Contactos

Day 2,349, 14:47 Published in Portugal Portugal by MagicTitans

TNT Company Available on follow countries :

(Rivalries and competition in alliances, are not called for financial affairs)

Email : (For Help , clarifications )

How to invest :

You just send a message for the President Of TNT Company Departement .

President MagicTitans

Wich you dont know the rules , fell free to send a email for the direction (
Or send the message to the President of The Departement

We have a new service
That provides insurance against scams for only 250 cc per month.
The insurance covers exchange scams in the IRC channel, and in game via PM.
To join, just send a message to the chairman of the department.