The NPG could've been a contender

Day 1,610, 18:43 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

"A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new; when an age ends; and when the soul of a nation long suppressed finds utterance."

eCanada's moment of utterance

With the interesting April 15th PP elections in the mirror, I thought a quick reflection would do nicely. As you should know, all four Norsefire parties were challenged by a loose coalition of candidates, with the late-name of the New Power Generation. Mia Angela Carina, killer2001, OLloyd and Ardikus V2 all contended to what was exclusively a PTO attempt of Norsfire.

As I called it, they all lost to what was probably a strong campaign by Rolo Tahmasee to keep his small empire of political parties under his control, through "activity awards". I don't think there's any reason to suspect there could've been any other result.

I was and still am skeptical about this movement. I can make the exception however for the least known of the bunch, Ardikus. When CanVision was around and actually approaching the Top 5, it was a fresh, if generic, party. From what I remember, they were fair to Rolo before they lost control of their party. While it might be too late now one avenue would be create a new party, instead of taking over one. I don't think asking Rolo for reparations would work unfortunately. Rolo claimed that the CanVision party didn't achieve anything. From the competitive viewpoint as a rival Party President, I would easily incline to express my skepticism of what was unique about CanVision from say, the CNC. On the other hand, it grew quickly and I take that as a sign that there was more to it than met the eye.

The collection of the rest of the characters however, were not the men and women that could convince me this was the time for aggressive reform. The multi, the noob and Mia was born on April 1 and within a matter of days producing articles that dwarfed anything I have written. The lack of any activity since then have only cemented the notion that she was a multi of either an EPC member, or someone not confident enough to work in the open against Norsefire.

OLloyd is as polarizing as anyone as I've ever seen. To his credit he predicted Wally's motive for taking control of MOO. But the rest of the time he is too unpopular to lead an uprising.

Killer2001, also new, I've more than once wanted to report for spamming my feed. To me, and presumably others, he's still just a super-active political virgin.

They were called a multi, fool and spammer respectively. As a consequence they could only rely on repetitive, populist calls to the population in general to volunteer their votes (devoid of any allusions to their own ability to lead), and that's where we have the other problem.

Your efforts' worth is largely predicated on the results. None of them got any official backing from an MU, a party, the(/a) government or even the EPC. As far as I know, they didn't appeal to any of these factions directly. For the parties and MU, why would they risk joining a poor attempt to dislodge the Norsefire if all it would mean, was drawing his attention? If you have no plan beyond publishing articles and spamming up everyone's feed, then you're wasting everyone's time.

Operating without any organization to back them does give them the opportunity to get into vote-buying with nobody to worry about getting tainted through association. It does go against part of the reason why people want Rolo gone however. But if you're going to try to kill the beast by yourself, why not go all in, especially if you're just using fire on fire?

I would have had a ranking of results most preferable at hand

1. Victory without vote-buying
2. Victory supplemented by a vote-buying campaign
3. Defeat without vote-buying
4. Defeat despite using vote-buying

As the CPF PP, I've mixed my party's ideology with realist politicking all the time. While getting the result you want is the most important thing, it's always good to do through the optimal means if you can (such as through the party's belief structure). The NPG never had a realistic strategy, meaning the defeat was inevitable. Logically this means that unless they try again a month from now through different means, what they trying to do is a waste of energy and worse than at least getting together a distasteful, but effective strategy of targeting the ones willing to receive bribes.

The NPG has had its abortive run, that while decent has served little purpose as we now return to another month of the same ranking of political parties. Fortunately for them, Rolo doesn't have a guillotine for his enemies at his disposal...
