The FVP CP Elections Political Declaration - מפלגת המתנדבים, הצהרת תמיכה לנשיאות

Day 1,676, 12:13 Published in Israel Israel by 3.14 Goat

Hi friends,

I write this article now, because thing are good in Israel, at least they are so on the surface & if we all keep it up, it will be even better. Now there had been many rumors about me going at the presidency office next month at 05.07.12 - that is not true, not correct and i did what i can to change it, but i need the public's help.

Let me explain why was i nominated to begin with - as you all know, the exchange of our leadership took place in the same time as the inner party elections.
now at that time, nobody cloud have known where is this country going. so yes i did what i think is accepted and even coated from a PP - i took charge and told my voters that if things go bad in Israel i will try and take the Faith of this voters and make it better.

Since then, many things have change here in Israel, i will not go in to detail at the moment but i will summer it up by saying that Joe is indeed a bloody Tanker & he gets thing done. i like the way this administration is doing things, and i wish to declare in public again that my party, the FVP will supports Joe this upcoming CP elections.


Which brings us to the point of this article - Joe didn't nominate himself until a few days ago... and the second he did, i transferred my party support to him. but ! and here the cache - i am still nominated for CP because other party leaders did not redrew their support in me. and trust me i have sent all of them PM's but there was no reply for my request.

So i come to you, my dear friend, and ask you all to help me pot some pressure on the people in this list - not to support Joe (they can if they want to, sure do) but to just please redrew there support in me !

This party's... well what can i say, if any of the clowns running this party read this article... please do as i ask. if any of the reader now this guys please refer them to this article, thank you.

Lieber7 Party
PP - dudido1992

The Jewish Macedonia Party
PP - lolo972

This is a differnt case - The Greater Israel Party - It's totally a legit party & her leader avnerba got a PM from me about this issue, I'm sure he well take care of it soon.


it's very important for me to clear & elaborate why i do this in public, in such a way.
You see I'm happy with Joe & his cabinet, and i think they need to have a quiet political climate to work in - it seems this group of people understand what a great task it is to build an empire with a small country like ours, this is the best way for me to help as the second biggest PP in Israel.

Have a good weekend, and enjoy the beautiful scenery and many tourist attractions in Eastern Province, i hear it's lovely there this time of the year 🙂

Sergeant Autumn
