The Canadian Progressive Front's Presentation of our Congressional Lineup

Day 1,646, 11:19 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

On the 25th, I'm proud to announce the return of the Blue Moose to Congressional elections. Since we've been gone the game has changed, and so has the CPF. With contact between our fellow party members only a click away thanks to our message thread and party shout feed, we've become the most tightly knit CPF team ever, one that looks to put this to the test with our Strategic Voting efforts.

We also want the citizenry to know that as comitted we are to getting Congress to start getting it's activity up so that it doesn't need outside stimulus to keep from being dead, we also are all ready listen to what you want, whether its financial support or more war. The following are the candidates' avatars, the regions they are running in and with some linked to their individual platforms.

British Columbia

Wilhelm Gunter


Exalted Druid




Ardikus V2





New Brunswick

The Duke of Alberta

Prince Edward Island


Nova Scotia

Auk Rest

Newfoundland and Labrador

Funky Hum24n


Pants Magee

Northwest Territories

Zaid Khan


Plastic Doll

All other candidates on the the CPF ballot are either blockers or unapproved. Good luck to all. Let's bring our fighting spirit to Congress en masse.

(tinyurl: )

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Enhance our place in EDEN and TERRA
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public

- Funky Hum24n, Canadian Progressive Front Party President.
- Join our party.
- Join us at our forum.
- Our IRC Channel is #nCPF
- CPF Wiki Page
- The Praetors, the CPF's official affiliated Military Unit
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 1
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 2
CPF Update Oct. 22