Summary of eBelarus relationships in the last 6 months

Day 2,261, 15:34 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

"I like your balls more than the other guys. You make more details on Slovenian emblem"
~ Franca Koderlajsa

Hello my dear readers,
today I have a summary about the relationships of Belarus with 9 different for the last 6 months. I'm using an objective point of view based on facts, like th damage dealt on battles and stuff like that. I also have a summary about the Serbian MU in eBelarus, La Fuerza and what they did for eBelarus.Enjoy it 😉

Article dedicated to Ignis Nativus for accepting my CS request in eBelarus

eMontenegro is at the moment the only country I can consider to be a brother, in the past months the mutual friendship was very noticeable, as we were able to see both countries fighting really hard to help each other, although both countries have limited amounts of damage, they spent a big percentage of it to help each other. Having a common enemy (Albania) was as well a great boost to our relationship. If there isn't any radical changes in neither country policies this friendship should last quite long.

Both Belarus and Lithuania have a lot of common history (As both countries were part of the Great Duchy of Lithuania), this RL mutual friendship is as well existing in eRepublik, although they used to be in war a year ago when eBelarus was in EDEN and eLithuania in ABC, the entrance of eBelarus in TWO allowed both countries to forge strong bonds which were shown in the battlefield. As happens with eMontenegro, the limited damage of Lithuania was not an excuse to see eLithuanian players tanking big numbers helping Belarus.

The relationships with ePoland started to settle a few months before eBelarus entrance in TWO, however, in the past months this relationships gradually got worse. When eBelarus was wiped by eBulgaria Poland could have NE'd eBulgaria and help eBelarus to secure congress, however they refused to do so, until Argentina ASed Bulgaria, then ePoland NEd Bulgaria and took Brestkaya from eBulgaria to hand it back to eBelarus.
In the battlefield the Polish help was not really big, and in many times they promised help that never arrived, this also happened in some key battles (Like in the battle of Southern Albania or the battle in Maharashtra to name a couple of them). Nowadays both countries have a neutral relation with each other.

Without any doubt, eGreece has been the country that helped eBelarus the most, being allies for a long time (Since both countries were members of EDEN). It is very normal to see Greek players in all the TOP 5 damages in the Belarusian battles, especially from MU like Gama (I need to make a special mention to N4zgul, as he was many times leading our BHs in important battles) and Spartiates. eGreece never hesitated to help eBelarus doing a show of their power, dealing huge amounts of damage helping their small friend.

Let's face the truth, eHungary is, after eGreece, the country that helped eBelarus the most. Although some Belarusian players are still upset by the fraud in the Homelskaya treaty, in which eHungary never payed the 40k cc they owed to eBelarus or because they are in war with Ukraine, eHungary has shown not only to be an ally, but an excellent ally. This relationship began with the Belarusian invation of Russia under Eugene Just's presidency, and ever since it has been existing even though the Hungarian players had all the right to be mad at Belarus for the behavior of some players that are openly opposed to eHungary and helped eUkraine in their war vs eHungary. Hopefully, this status will change fast and both countries will be finally able to establish a good mutual relation.

First of all, I would like to appoligize to the Ukranian community, but I have to be critic with you. eUkraine has been keeping a selfish relationship with eBelarus, using references to their RL brotherhood when they are in troubles but refusing to help when eBelarus needs their help. eUkraine had gradually destroyed their chances to join TWO by breaking their agreement with Hungary, ever since they have been a thorn in TWO, trying to damage the Hungarian relationships with eGreece, ePoland, eSpain and eBelarus asking for help 24/7 but never actually helping none of their allies. I'll just say that in my 4 months as eBY MoD I never saw more than 2 Ukranian players hitting for us in the same round.

Since the Belarusian admision in TWO, eSerbia and and eBelarus have built a great mutual friendship, based on the mutual help and respect. When asking the Serbian players and MU for help it was very common to see them willing to help no matter what. In this case the help was very mutual, as eBelarus ASed Tirana when eSerbia was facing 3 NEs in order to finish one of those, the AS was successful as eBelarus was able to hold eAlbania enough time to let eSerbia set things straight in their war vs eCroatia. Later in the Russian campaign eSerbia returned eBelarus their help with several joint strikes from many different MUs to help them not only conquer the Russian and Finish territories but being able to defend the RW in those regions.

The relationships with eArgentina, as happens with eGreece, are quite old as both countries were members of EDEN, however, since eBelarus is a member of TWO and eArgentina has a pro-TWO stance the mutual relationships have got better, the best example of it was the Argentinean AS in Minsk with a double goal, free eBelarus and return their visit to eBulgaria for ASing Argentina twice in the past. Chances are that this realtion will stay alive for a long time.

Although our relationship with ePortugal wasn't very loud, it existed, ever since Passos Coelho became CP of ePortugal the Portuguese MoDs frequently asked me whether we needed help or not, so our battles were their prios many times, sadly, because of the eSpanish possitioning we couldn't had a formar relationship. However, I would personally like this to change because they have been working hard on having good relations with the ex-TWO countries, and their damage was a big help in some battles.

By now we all know La Fuerza, a Serbian MU located in eBelarus. Ever since they decided to move to eBelarus they have been not only brave warriors, but also loyal friends. They worked really hard on building a brotherhood with eBelarus and they dealt an amount 9.578.632.057 influence (Done by 8 D4 and a D2 fighters) for eBelarus, dealing big numbers in key moments of important battles. As they promised, none of their members is involved in politics or any other selfish activities. I can only thank them for all their help.
By the way, La fuerza now has a public Skype gruop chat, if you want to join follow the information in this article.


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Summary of eBelarus relationships in the last 6 months