Seems no one voted for Lord Pluffball after all

Day 3,213, 05:28 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

When asked if he voted for Henry Pfeiffer Arundel, he responsed that, "I didn't know that is what HPA stands for.... I though I was going to get a STI or something. Well it could of been worse we could of had Pfeiffer as president"

At the secret rebel headquarters where the Gipper campaign was held I went over to congradulate the old Gipper on almost beating Pfeiffer. Ronald walked away shouting, "Dammit when you prop up a plant for so many years and then he fails to win the presidency how will I let any of those dam Serbians in. Oh hey D Money I just want to say that today was a historic day for freedom?????"

Out of the nowhere American hero, air ace, and empowered women, Ilene Dover! To bad that is all the time we have for you today on QNN.